This simple calculator is perfect for any type of simple calculations.
- Percentage Calculator i.e. what is 20% of $50 = $10. This percent off calculator can be used as paycheck tax calculator or income tax calculator or property tax calculator or sales tax calculator or just for calculating percentages.
- Percentage Increase / Decrease i.e. increase $50 by 20% = $60 or decrease $50 by 20% = $40. This percent increase/decrease calculator can be used as cost of living index for calculating cost of living increase / decrease or just a simple percentage increase / decrease calculator.
- Percentage Discount i.e. $50 with 20% discount = $40. This percent discount calculator can be used to calculate interest or can also be used as sales tax calculator or just to calculate percentage discount.
- Percentage Of (what % of) i.e. $20 is what percent of $50 = 40%. This percentage off calculator can be used as paycheck tax calculator or income tax calculator or property tax calculator or sales tax calculator or just for finding percentages.
- Percentage Change i.e. Price hike from $20 to $50 = 150%. This percent change calculator can be used as cost of living index for calculating cost of living increase or investment calculator or stock return calculator or just a simple percentage increase calculator for seeing percentage changes.
- Tip Calculator: This gratuity calculator can be used to distribute restaurant bill evenly including any tip.
- Margin Calculator: This can be used to calculate selling price based on mark-up or as a gross margin calculator to calculate profit margins.
- Markup Calculator: Calculates revenue based on markup.
- Sales Tax: Calculates sales tax from tax percentage.
- Fraction To Percentage: Calculates percentage from fraction.
- Compound Interest: Calculates compound interest.
- Vat Calculator: Calculates VAT.
- Doubling Calculator: Calculates amount doubling time.
- Inflation Calculator: Calculates inflation by time.
- Cumulative growth Calculator: Calculates cumulative growth.
- Margin and Vat Calculator: Calculates Margin and VAT.
- Margin and Sales Tax Calculator: Calculates margin and sales tax.
- Loan Calculator: Calculates loan payment.
- Price/Quantity: Calculates price quantity.
- Various currency options support.
Get percentage calculator free app now and lets start using this as financial adviser and begin your savings.
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